Sunday, July 10, 2011

Emotional Survival

Have you ever had to depend on someone for something and been disappointed?  I gotta be honest.  I don't like depending on other people, but I often need to.  If there is something that needs to be done, I typically like to be the one that does it.  It's hard for me to count on others for things.  I think part of it is because I like to be in control.  Am I always in complete control?  No.  Do I hate it when I'm not.  Yes.

There are times in my life when I really need the help of others.  Those times come in chunks.  Times when I need people a lot and times when I don't.  Whether it's me or another part of me that need something, doesn't matter.  It's still me right?  What happens if that person can't be there?  Am I ok?  Are parts ok?  I would like to say yes.  I would like to say that we are able to work things out on our own, and in a way I guess we are.  Is it a healthy way in which we work things out?  Not really.  Do we survive through it?  Yes.  Emotionally I would say that no.  We don't emotionally survive through it every time, but does our body survive?  Yes.

Here is my question.  What do you do when you feel like you don't emotionally survive?

Here are a few coping skills that I try.  I don't think they are exactly for the emotional aspect of surviving, but they are my only coping skills.  Not all of these work and not all of them are healthy, but usually I can find one that helps a little.  It also changes every moment for what will work.  When I am especially panicked I usually start with the unhealthy ones, but if I notice the feeling coming early enough I try the healthier ones first.  It depends on how instant the feelings are and what the feelings are that make me feel like I need to do something else.  They are in no particular order.

Sleeping lots
Not eating
Cutting, burning, hitting, etc. (self harm)
Look through my box (I'll explain this another day.)
Listen to music
Take a bubble bath
Watch TV
Self talk
Organize something
Call a friend

These are all things that I can do on my own.  Not things I need to depend on others for (usually).  I don't have a lot of time for these things, but when I start to panic or feel like I can't keep going, I try these.  It usually takes me trying a few of these before I find one that calms me down.  It also might take me trying the same one a few times.

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