Sunday, September 30, 2012

5 senses

Do you think that everyone has a reason for liking something or not?  The 5 senses.  Do they carrie memories?  Is there always, and I mean always, a memory attached?  Good or bad?  Is the reason I like the taste of bubble gum because I remember hiding my closet sneaking Bazooka gum from my brothers drawer and that was the one piece of joy in my life at the age of 4?  Or is it simply because I like bubble gum?  I loved looking at the pictures wrapped around each piece of gum. Is the reason I hate, and I mean hate, when I get a high pitched ringing in my ear because I was trained to do things that I will never forgive my self for when I heard that noise?  Or is it simply because it's an annoying sound?  The ocean.  Do I love listening to the ocean because I don't have anything negative to associate it with?  Or do I just like the sound of the ocean?

Try to think about it.  Think of the things you like that have to do with sight, smell, taste, touch and sound.  Now think about why you like them.  Why do you like them?  Can you rack your memory for anything that you can think of that might give you a memory to why you like it?  Anything?

Now think about all the negative things that have to do with sight, smell, taste, touch and sound.  Why do they bother you?  Is there anything in your past that might possibly taint why you feel like that?

What I'm thinking, is that it's possible that our experiences to shape us.  Completely shape us.  They shape our likes.  They shape our dislikes.  Now, maybe they don't shape everything.  But you have to admit.  Isn't possible that they do?

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